Dear MMiN Colleagues,
We hope this finds you safe and healthy.
The Lyon MMiN meeting, initially scheduled for June 2020 and rescheduled for June 2021, will take on June 29th – July 2nd, 2022. Please reserve this place in your calendars for what promises to be an extraordinary meeting, and one that we will all very much be ready for!
We are hopeful that the excellent scientific program we had in place for 2020 will remain largely intact for 2022. Further announcements will be forthcoming providing details of options for reimbursement or forwarding of registration fees, new abstract deadlines etc. We appreciate your patience as we all continue to navigate these difficult circumstances.
If you have any question, please contact us at mmin2022@univ-lyon1.fr
The decision to postpone the ‘in-person’ meeting to 2022 rather than substitute it with a virtual meeting this year was made after lengthy deliberations of the Scientific Advisory Board. It was considered that a primary draw of the MMiN meetings has always been the informal sharing of ideas and latest results that occurs outside of formal presentations, particularly among young investigators who make up such a large and vitally important part of the MMiN community, and that this remains difficult to reproduce in a virtual format.
In the meantime, please stay safe and well.
Nigel T. Maidment, Ph.D.
President, International Society for Monitoring Molecules in Neuroscience
Sandrine Parrot, Ph.D.
Co-Chair, MMiN 2022
Barbara Ferry, Ph.D.
Co-Chair, MMiN 2022
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We hope this finds you safe and healthy.
The Lyon MMiN meeting, initially scheduled for June 2020 and rescheduled for June 2021, will take on June 29th – July 2nd, 2022. Please reserve this place in your calendars for what promises to be an extraordinary meeting, and one that we will all very much be ready for!
We are hopeful that the excellent scientific program we had in place for 2020 will remain largely intact for 2022. Further announcements will be forthcoming providing details of options for reimbursement or forwarding of registration fees, new abstract deadlines etc. We appreciate your patience as we all continue to navigate these difficult circumstances.
If you have any question, please contact us at mmin2022@univ-lyon1.fr
The decision to postpone the ‘in-person’ meeting to 2022 rather than substitute it with a virtual meeting this year was made after lengthy deliberations of the Scientific Advisory Board. It was considered that a primary draw of the MMiN meetings has always been the informal sharing of ideas and latest results that occurs outside of formal presentations, particularly among young investigators who make up such a large and vitally important part of the MMiN community, and that this remains difficult to reproduce in a virtual format.
In the meantime, please stay safe and well.
Nigel T. Maidment, Ph.D.
President, International Society for Monitoring Molecules in Neuroscience
Sandrine Parrot, Ph.D.
Co-Chair, MMiN 2022
Barbara Ferry, Ph.D.
Co-Chair, MMiN 2022